

Friday, July 13, 2012

Grand daughter's alpaca...

A few years ago in the hill country my grand daughter went to a country fair where there were alpaca.  She (as well as her parents) fell in love.  Before the week was out, they visited the alpaca farm and took home 2 young ones which were later named Cruise and Rambler.  It was an interesting addition to their already growing managerie of animals; horses, dogs, cats, pet squirrel, tortoises, and now alpaca. I have to admit they havethe most beautiful eyes... with the longest eye lashes.

This bottom pic is of a box of Chocolate Rum Turtles with Sea Salt that  a friend just brought me from her Caribbean cruise.  Although they are not dark chocolate, they are quite good...


Arkansas Patti said...

Thank you so much for stopping by TNS and commenting.
I enjoyed your post about the alpacas. Is there a cutier animal? I hear they are so much better tempered than their bigger cousins the llamas.

Rian said...

They are cute. I've never been around the LLamas... so I don't know their temperament, but I do know that if you upset Cruise or Rambo, they WILL spit!